
Del mundo del Cine al 21-01-2025


La crisis del coronavirus pone en jaque al cine europeo

Echamos un vistazo a los eventos cinematográficos cancelados o aplazados, las medidas anunciadas por las instituciones nacionales y las iniciativas VOD lanzadas durante la pandemia del COVID-19

The fear of the coronavirus outbreak keeps wreaking havoc across the world, and the European film industry is certainly no stranger to its repercussions. After the alarm was first raised in other sectors, it is now the film industry's turn to suffer cancellations, postponements and reorganisations due to the measures being adopted by various European governments. As the number of infections escalates quickly all across the continent and the authorities attempt to stop it from growing any bigger, film bodies in charge of organising film festivals, markets and other events are being forced to modify them and adapt them to the current situation.

Fuente cineuropa

Fecha Inserción: 2020-08-09

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